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[OpenGL program3d_car_pro

Description: 3d 汽车外观造型 在程序中实现的现实汽车的大部分功能-car 3d modeling appearance in the process to achieve the most realistic vehicle functions
Platform: | Size: 4885349 | Author: wgz | Hits:


Description: VB 做的DIREXT 3D 的汽车游戏-VB do DIREXT 3D games car
Platform: | Size: 28672 | Author: HelloVC | Hits:

[Game Enginecrashtest

Description: 3D实时多物体碰撞模拟-3D real-time multi-object crash simulation
Platform: | Size: 1349632 | Author: 陈龙 | Hits:

[3D GraphicCity3DDrive

Description: 城市3D场景代码,按F1-F8就可以在城市里以各种视角进行观光(有直升机、车外、车内等视角) -city code, according to F1-F8 on the city in various angles sightseeing (with helicopters, cars, car, etc. Perspective)
Platform: | Size: 846848 | Author: 姚紫欣 | Hits:

[OpenGL programspaceracer-0[1].1.7b.tar

Description: Space Racer是一个以银河为背景的3D赛车游戏。它旨在成为由Geff Crammond开发的著名的Stunt Car Racer复制版本,成为Grand Prix I 和II的作者。 -Space Racer is a background to the Galaxy 3D racing game. It was designed to be Geff Crammond developed by the famous Stunt Car Racer copy version this, as the Grand Prix I and II of the author.
Platform: | Size: 874496 | Author: b | Hits:

[OpenGL program3d_car_pro

Description: 3d 汽车外观造型 在程序中实现的现实汽车的大部分功能-car 3d modeling appearance in the process to achieve the most realistic vehicle functions
Platform: | Size: 4885504 | Author: upcorange | Hits:


Description: Java3D实现的图形,自动旋转的,车顶盖的形状-Java3D achieve graphics, automatic rotation, the shape of car roof
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: tianfuqan | Hits:

[Windows DevelopRacingGame3D

Description: 一个用vb做的酷似跑跑拉丁车的游戏程序,希望大家喜欢!-a vb do with the Latin car resembles run of the game procedures, hope you like them!
Platform: | Size: 605184 | Author: | Hits:

[OpenGL programbrian

Description: 3D OPENGL CAR C++编程。小车。按一定的轨道运行。-CAR OpenGL 3D C programming. Trolley. A certain path.
Platform: | Size: 868352 | Author: gexingyue | Hits:

[3D Graphic200632019409551

Description: DirectX游戏编程-----3D玩具赛车游戏-DirectX 3D game programming----- toy car racing game
Platform: | Size: 626688 | Author: | Hits:

[3D Graphicterrain_MDXsrc

Description: Rendering terrains with Managed DirectX There aren t many 3D games without a terrain. Creating and rendering a terrain, and the physics involved when, for example, driving on it with a car can be quite difficult. This article will demonstrate one technique to create a terrain: a simple technique to implement, but one that will look good.
Platform: | Size: 336896 | Author: | Hits:

[3D GraphicConcept_Car

Description: 基于Java和Cute 3D实现的概念车模型。附有源程序下载。-Cute 3D based on Java and realize the concept of car models. With source code download.
Platform: | Size: 4589568 | Author: Jiang | Hits:

[Other GamesD3Dcar

Description: 也是关于direct3D的东西,是一个汽车的游戏。-Direct3D is also about things, is a car game.
Platform: | Size: 3148800 | Author: 亚夫大国 | Hits:

[OpenGL programCar

Description: 这是用OpenGL绘制的动态汽车.绘制的丑,但代码简单易懂,适合初学者-This is the dynamic rendering using OpenGL car. Drawn ugly, but easy-to-read code, suitable for beginners
Platform: | Size: 163840 | Author: yangjunjie | Hits:

[Game Program3D-car-code

Description: 3D赛车游戏源代码-用Visual Studio 2005-3d Car Code ,with Visual Studio 2005
Platform: | Size: 60416 | Author: spring | Hits:

[Windows DevelopViewer3D

Description: WPF源码,一个汽车3D模型的展示,主要体现动画效果!-WPF source, 3D model of a car show, the main manifestation of animation effects!
Platform: | Size: 5257216 | Author: 李烨龙 | Hits:


Description: 这是一个flash源文件,效果很好,测试平台为flash 8.0(如果提示问题请选择合适的版本试试),代码的效果是:3d小汽车,3d效果-This is a flash source file, with good results, the test platform for the flash 8.0 (if the question, please select the appropriate version to try), the effect of the code is: 3d car, 3d effect
Platform: | Size: 518144 | Author: xiaomingw | Hits:

[GPS develop3G-Car-DVR-GPS-Car-3D-map

Description: 带3D地图的3G车载硬盘录像机GPS车载硬盘录像机客户端-3G Car DVR GPS Car DVR client with a 3D map
Platform: | Size: 6926336 | Author: | Hits:

[Software Engineeringcar-3d-by-me

Description: create 3d car in openGl c++
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: QUTAIBA | Hits:

[3D Graphiccar

Description: Simple car 3D using OpenGL.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Salety Baracho | Hits:
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